Designing two websites to tell the story of a historic Irish whiskey brand.
Lambay Whiskey specialises in producing craft and small batch Irish whiskeys. Named after it’s home, the historic Lambay Island off the east coast of Ireland, just a few miles from Dublin, the Lambay brand reflects its unique origins. Lambay originally approach  with the need to update their website to better reflect the brands unique style and increasing growth.
After conducting an extensive and detailed discovery with all stakeholders at Lambay, I began implementation of the design and structure for a new site. Of key importance to the project for the team at Lambay was for them to internally be able to regularly update their content, whilst keeping strictly on their unique and visual brand identity. This required extensive design and building of unique pods that would allow for Lambay to modularly build new pages on the site for years to come without developer knowledge. There was equal importance on assuring that the site was easy to use for customers using the site. To achieve this, I created user personas based upon both Lambay’s existing customer base as well as the new users they would aim to attract in the future. I was able to test these personas against the site map which produced user flows that went on to inform UX improvements. The site map and design were heavily influenced by these personas, assuring a clean and easily navigable site that is a smooth experience for customers as they explore the Lambay brand and  history.
Castle Prestige 20YO
Special Edition Microsite
At £590 per bottle Lambay's 20YO special edition whiskey was firmly in the  premium market area as only a limited number of bottles were produced. As such, the microsite had to reflect this level of exclusivity and therefore unlock a deeper level of access to the brand for it's most passionate customers. In order to provide context to the products origins and satisfy the client brief we had to tell the story of the Lambay brand in a unique and interactive way while also being informative.
Working collaboratively with Lambay whiskey & Black Copper Design inn Dublin we were able to create a very special one-off site that is accessed via a QR code printed on the bottle. This gave the user a passcode which, when entered into the site unlocked an interactive map which enabled the user to explore Lambay Island and learn about the origins of this unique product. The final site was an asset-rich experience that incorporated complex parallax, video, audio and more to fully immerse the viewer in the brand. The basis of the design was to make the user feel like they were traveling 'through the keyhole' of the brand in each page so we developed a comprehensive parallax based design that constantly moved layers of the page in and out as the user scrolled.

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